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Featured Friday - Middy White Knuckle CX 6M

Featured Friday - Middy White Knuckle CX 6M

Middy White Knuckle CX Carp Pole - Margin Whip

The White Knuckle CX has to be the best selling carp whip in the UK. It is 6m long, fully take-apart and has a tremendous 24 elastic rating. It is ready elasticated with 8-10 Hi Viz elastic in the 6m whip top section.

You then get an additional take-apart two kit in the package that is ready-elasticated with 18+ carp strong elastic. It has carbon triple-x strong system joints and will withstand the demands of double-figure carp. This is an incredible tool that all anglers should have in their armoury.

  • It is 6m long, fully take-apart
  • Has a tremendous 24 elastic rating
  • Ready elasticated with 8-10 Hi Viz elastic
  • It has carbon triple-x strong system joints
  • Will withstand the demands of double-figure carp
  • Incredible whip that anglers should have in their armoury
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