Carp Company Groundbait 5kg
Black Jack Stick Mix - 5kg Bucket
As the name suggests - a black stick mix. Again high quality ingredients... A real winner!
Nut Mix Stick Mix - 5kg Bucket
Designed to match the bait. Comes packed with fishmeal, Fish protein oyster grit and Roasted Nuts.
Icelandic Red Stick Mix - 5kg Bucket
The results that this ground bait has brought the anglers testing it have been described as “Just Incredible”. It has been
tested throughout the year by carp anglers and match anglers and is an all round ground bait that can be used as a method mix, balled in as a ground bait or used as a carrier for small particles, boilies pellets etc.
O-PM Stick Mix - 5kg Bucket
This ground bait again offers the angler the chance to use a high quality, specifically designed bait. It is a blend of
fishmeals & pre-digested fish protieins to name just a couple of ingredients that will work for you. This mix has been used to great effect in PVA sticks with added Golden Corn Oil.